Monday, Sep 02nd

Last update07:57:59 AM GMT

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Why Does the Government Care so Much About Vaccinating You?

But it gets much, much scarier (and crazier). We recently reported that one biotech company known as ProdiGene, the officials from which actually faced jail time back in 2002 for contaminating the traditional food supply with ‘biopharmaceutical’ crops that were growing pharmaceuticals and vaccine components associated with AIDS, diabetes, and diarrhea. As if forcing vaccines on the public and infants isn’t enough, we need biofarms too?


What is killing sugar-cane workers across Central America?

sugar cane workersChronic kidney disease has killed tens of thousands of young men and is becoming more deadly. But nobody knows exactly what it is, or what to do about it

It goes by many names, but around here they call it "the malady of the sugar cane". It's a quiet epidemic that has been preying on Central America for at least 20 years, killing impoverished landworkers in their tens of thousands across Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Guatemala. And it is becoming ever more deadly. Between 2005 and 2009, incidents in El Salvador rose by 26%. By 2011 the chronic kidney disease (CKD) that is killing Edilberto had become the country's second-biggest killer of men.


Officials say they lacked authority over pharmacy involved in meningitis outbreak

Meningitis outbreakFederal and Massachusetts officials said Thursday that they lacked clear authority to take action earlier against a now-shuttered specialty pharmacy that set off safety alarms at least six years ago and is now at the center of a burgeoning meningitis outbreak.

In a teleconference with reporters, the officials described a murky, archaic regulatory apparatus that hampered their ability to keep pace with the rapid changes in compounding pharmacies. That industry, which traditionally has consisted of mom-and-pop operations making customized medicines for individual patients, has expanded to include high-volume pharmacies that rival the production of drug manufacturers.


How Fracking Is a Danger to Your Health

Fracking dangersThe ethics of medicine are guided by the Hippocratic Oath which commits medical professionals to the principle of health care based on, Primum non nocere -- First do no harm. Health professionals are speaking out on behalf of the public health of their patients as hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as fracking is introduced into their communities.

Fifty years ago this month Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring a book that warned of the devastating impacts of pesticides and pollutants on human health. That seminal book led to the formation of the EPA and catalyzed a ban on DDT.


Black mamba venom is 'better painkiller' than morphine

Black mambaA painkiller as powerful as morphine, but without most of the side-effects, has been found in the deadly venom of the black mamba, say French scientists.

The predator, which uses neurotoxins to paralyse and kill small animals, is one of the fastest and most dangerous snakes in Africa. However, tests on mice, reported in the journal Nature, showed its venom also contained a potent painkiller.


Report: Some dietary supplements illegally labeled

Dietary supplements mislabeledDozens of weight loss and immune system supplements on the market are illegally labeled and lack the recommended scientific evidence to back up their purported health claims, government investigators warn in a new review of the $20 billion supplement industry.

The report, being released Wednesday by the Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general, found that 20 percent of the 127 weight loss and immune-boosting supplements investigators purchased online and in retail stores across the country carried labels that made illegal claims to cure or treat disease.


Drug companies pushing to replace nutrition with pharmaceuticals; take your meds even if you have no symptoms

Medications are nutrition. That's essentially the rationale behind a couple of Big Pharma corporations' decision to give a failed Alzheimer's drug a second chance.

In short, Big Pharma wants to treat a disease even before it ever shows up. What's more, an unproven medicine, rather than nutrition, is being pushed as the most effective way to deal with Alzheimer's.

There's a better way to guard against Alzheimer's that doesn't cost billions of dollars, risk your health or drive up the cost of medications.


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