The Tripedia vaccine product insert was removed from the Johns Hopkins Institute for Vaccine Safety website. [1] I also discovered that it is now missing from the Centers for Disease Control Vaccine Price List. The “official” reason is likely Sanofi Pasteur’s discontinuing the production of the vaccine.
However, closer inspection of the Tripedia product insert reveals another smoking-gun relationship between vaccines and autism.
In June of 2000, members from the Centers for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, and pharmaceutical companies, met in a secret meeting held in Simpsonwood, GA. The topic of discussion was the relationship between thimerosal and autism.
The secret Simpsonwood meeting points to a direct causal relationship between vaccines and autism. This information prompted vaccine manufacturers to rapidly and very quietly manufacture a thimerosal-free vaccine with the FDAs full cooperation. I think parents need to keep that in mind.
Four years after a “thimerosal free” vaccine became available, a cryptic paragraph referencing autism and SIDS appeared in a vaccine product insert. Now that information is being scrubbed from government and vaccine safety websites. Shame on them!