Thursday, Sep 05th

Last update08:15:35 AM GMT

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Tenn. senator has affair with intern, resigns

The Tennessee state senator said he was opposed to sex outside marriage, but his private life told a different story: He was having an affair with his 22-year-old intern.

When an extortion plot exposed married Republican Sen. Paul Stanley's illicit relationship, he said he would be "clearing up" misimpressions later. He's now clearing out his office, the latest politician caught in a sex scandal, this one made worse by not coming clean.

"If you can't explain what you've done to your constituents in 30 seconds or less in a way they would accept, then don't do it," said Bruce Oppenheimer, a political science professor at Vanderbilt University. "It's amazing how many elected officials violate that very important conventional wisdom."

TVNL Comment: Isn't it about time policians stop talking about anything related to personal life? Haven't these people shown that they are in no way shape or form qualified to make decisions on how we the people should or could live our personal lives. From marriage to sex, these people never practice what they preach. Yet the people keep supporting them. Amazing.


U.S. condemns eviction of Arab families from East Jerusalem

The United States and the United Nations sharply condemned the eviction of two Palestinian families from their homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah and their replacement with Jewish families on Sunday.

TVNL Comment: Yet the US does nothing about the human rights attrocities and violations comitted by Israel and they continue to send $billions of your money to support their human rights violations.


Israel fourth from bottom of peace index

Israel has been placed a dismal 141st out of 144 on a list of the world’s most peaceful countries, beating just Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia.

Countries which ranked higher in the 2009 Global Peace Index included Sudan, Zimbabwe, Lebanon, North Korea, and Iran.

Israel scored poorly for a high level of “organised conflict”, and poor relationships with its neighbours. It was also given a very low score for the perceived level of “respect for human rights.” Israelis were also given low marks for their “perception of distrust in others”.

Israel has always fared poorly in this particular index: it ranked fifth from last in 2008, and just third from last in 2007.


Catholic bank apologises for shares in the Pill, guns and tobacco

A German Catholic bank has apologised to investors and promised to sell its shares in a contraception producer, a weapons firm and tobacco companies.

Director of the Cologne-based Pax Bank, Winfried Hinzen told the city’s Domradio, “We want to apologise to our customers that this mistake has happened," according to a report in Sunday's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.


UK lawyer: 'We torture people, yet no one admits it'

The lawyer who fights for victims of British foreign policy and military action says the stories of abuse at the hands of authority have only just begun.

Tomorrow he is back in court over allegations that British soldiers mutilated and murdered up to 20 civilians in the so-called "battle of Danny Boy" at a checkpoint near Basra in May 2004.


Why injecting oxygen into tumours 'can kill cancer'

Injecting oxygen into cancerous tumours significantly boosts the chances of recovery, a ground-breaking study has revealed.

Scientists at Oxford University found slightly increasing the supply strengthened blood vessels in cancer cells, making chemotherapy more effective.

TVNL Comment: Cancer can not exist in an oxygen rich alkaline environment. This is the basis for many alternative cancer treatments from hydrogen peroxide, to baking soda to high PH diet therapies. Of course studies like this always have to link big pharma into the solution, because big pharma pays for the studies.



By Martha Ireland

A recent article, “Happiness Consultants Won’t Stop A Depression” by Chris Hedges really hit home for me.

I live with a man who wants to believe that if you put a “positive” spin on something, that something will magically become truly positive.

This sort of crazy culturally induced wishful, magical, narcissistic, childish, cowardly thinking and intellectual, psychological & spiritual laziness makes me absolutely insane.

Hey – it’s self-benefiting reciprocity all over again – meaning that I won’t call you on your lies if you won’t call me on mine.


Anthrax investigation too narrow, congressman says

"Our government -- and specifically, the FBI -- suffers from a credibility gap on this issue," Rep. Rush D. Holt (D-N.J.) told an expert panel that convened in Washington this week to begin reviewing the scientific methods the FBI used to link the attacks to Bruce E. Ivins, a microbiologist who worked in the Army's chief biodefense lab at Ft. Detrick, Md.


Palestinians evicted in Jerusalem

Israeli police have evicted nine Palestinian families living in two houses in occupied East Jerusalem. Jewish settlers moved into the houses almost immediately. The US has urged Israel to abandon plans for a building project in the area.

Israel has occupied East Jerusalem since 1967, a move not recognised by the international community. The evictions have been condemned by the United Nations, the Palestinians and also the UK government.


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