Sunday, Sep 08th

Last update08:51:36 PM GMT

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How Do We Shift Power to the People and Away from Concentrated Corporate Power?

Corporate capital dominates the government and prevents the changes urgently needed in so many crisis issues for the nation and the world.

While education and organization are critical ingredients to bringing change, this is a slow process and many of the issues the nation faces are urgent. This is why we also pursue acts of protest and resistance.  We did this in the health care debate and most recently in the anti-war movement.  Resistance has always been an ingredient for bringing change whether it was people sitting in at segregated lunch counters, or blacks sitting in the white section of the bus, or Cindy Sheehan camping outside of George Bush’s ranch.  In the next year we will see a growing culture of resistance in the United States.


Cuban medics in Haiti put the world to shame

Home > Life & Style > Health & Families > Health News Cuban medics in Haiti put the world to shameThey are the real heroes of the Haitian earthquake disaster, the human catastrophe on America's doorstep which Barack Obama pledged a monumental US humanitarian mission to alleviate. Except these heroes are from America's arch-enemy Cuba, whose doctors and nurses have put US efforts to shame.

A medical brigade of 1,200 Cubans is operating all over earthquake-torn and cholera-infected Haiti, as part of Fidel Castro's international medical mission which has won the socialist state many friends, but little international recognition.


Report: Incoming Mossad chief to apologize for use of U.K. passports in Dubai hit

Incoming Mossad chief to apologize for use of U.K. passports in Dubai hitTamir Pardo, the incoming chief of the Mossad intelligence service, will apologize to British officials for the use of forged United Kingdom passports in the assassination last January of Hamas operative Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai, the British Daily Telegraph reported on Saturday.

The Telegraph report, which cited Mossad sources, also said that Pardo would promise that Israeli agents will never again use fake British documents in overseas operations.


U.S. military sexual abuse 'staggering'

Military sexual abuse 'staggering'Every year, rape increases at an alarming rate within American military institutions – and even males are victims of the cycle. In fact, due to raw demographics, one can roughly surmise that most victims of sexual abuse in the military are male.

Regardless of gender, reports of victims of military sexual assault have been increasing. In 2007, there were 2,200 reports of rape in the military, whilst in 2009 saw an increase up to 3,230 reports of sexual assault.


WikiLeaks: How U.S. tried to stop Spain's torture probe

Mel Martinez, Florida SenatorIt was three months into Barack Obama's presidency, and the administration -- under pressure to do something about alleged abuses in Bush-era interrogation policies -- turned to a Florida senator to deliver a sensitive message to Spain:

Don't indict former President George W. Bush's legal brain trust for alleged torture in the treatment of war on terror detainees, warned Mel Martinez on one of his frequent trips to Madrid. Doing so would chill U.S.-Spanish relations.


Researchers develop reactor to make fuel from sunlight

Scientists makeliquid fuel from sunlightA simple reactor that mimics plants by turning sunlight into fuel has been demonstrated in the laboratory, boosting hopes for a large-scale renewable source of liquid fuel. "We have a big energy problem and we have to think big," said Prof Sossina Haile, at the California Institute of Technology, who led the research.

Haile estimates that a rooftop reactor could produce about three gallons of fuel a day. She thinks transport fuels would be the first application of the reactor, if it goes on to commercial use. But she said an equally important use for the renewable fuels would be to store solar energy so it is available at times of peak demand, and overnight.


Why Indefinite Detention by Executive Order Should Scare the Hell Out of People

Gitmo: Indefinite detentionsThe right to liberty is one of the foundation rights of a free people. The idea that any US President can bypass Congress and bypass the courts by issuing an executive order setting up a new legal system for indefinite detention of people should rightfully scare the hell out of the American people.

Advisors in the Obama administration have floated the idea of creating a special new legal system to indefinitely detain people by executive order. Why? To do something with the people wrongfully imprisoned in Guantanamo. Why not follow the law and try them? The government knows it will not be able to win prosecutions against them because they were tortured by the US.


Nigeria Drops Bribery Charges Against Cheney

Nigeria drops chages against CheneyThe Nigerian authorities have dropped criminal bribery charges against Halliburton and Dick Cheney, the former vice president, following the oil services giant’s agreement to a $35 million settlement, the company said in statement this week. Nigerian officials said last week that the settlement would amount to $250 million.

Mr. Cheney was chief executive of Halliburton from 1995 to 2000. The Nigerian charges, filed in early December, were just the latest fallout from a $180 million bribery scheme that Kellogg Brown & Root, a former Halliburton subsidiary, has admitted carrying out with three other companies in a joint venture to develop a liquid natural gas facility in the Niger Delta.


EPA to set pollution limits on power plants, refineries

EPA to set pollution limits on power plants, refineriesThe Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday it would set standards for greenhouse gas emissions from the country's two biggest sources: coal-fired power plants and refineries.

Gina McCarthy, the assistant administrator for the EPA's Office of Air and Radiation, said it would be possible to hold down costs, add jobs and reduce overall emissions even as the plants continue to burn fossil fuels. She said it wasn't possible to estimate yet how much emissions would be reduced.


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