Wednesday, Sep 11th

Last update07:14:51 AM GMT

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Ohio Issue 2: Controversial Anti-Union Law Defeated By Voters

Issue 2 defeated in OhioWhile Tuesday's elections haven't gotten nearly the attention that a candidate for next year's presidential election has, voters across the country were casting ballots on races that mattered to them locally and had implications nationally.

Even as Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain was holding a nationally televised news conference to rebut sexual harassment allegations from the 1990s, a measure in Ohio to overturn the anti-collective bargaining measure that Republican Gov. John Kasich signed into law earlier this year was being interpreted as a barometer of next year's presidential election.


UK High Court: Catholic church liable over actions of priests

Catholic Church liable for priestsVictims of sexual abuse by clergy are a step closer to winning compensation from the Catholic Church after the High Court ruled today that dioceses are responsible for the actions of their priests.

In a landmark ruling that could prove financially costly for the Catholic Church, Mr Justice Macduff ruled that the diocese of Portsmouth was “vicariously liable” for the acts of a priest who was accused of repeatedly raping a seven year old girl in the 1970s.


Midnight Explosion Rocks PA County; Residents Evacuated When Compressor Station Explodes

natural gas compressor stationCompressor stations are scary.  They emit benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, and other toxic chemicals at an alarming rate. They emit volatile organic chemicals and fine particulate matter which creates ground-level ozone, harming human health and animal health.

They’ve made people in Pennsylvania, like Pam Judy, sick. They are unregulated because they are treated as individual sources of pollution rather than aggregate sources of pollution. They also explode.


Chris Hedges’ Speech in Front of Goldman Sachs Leads to Arrest

Chris HedgesGold­man Sachs, which re­ceived more sub­si­dies and bailout-re­lated funds than any other in­vest­ment bank be­cause the Fed­eral Re­serve per­mit­ted it to be­come a bank hold­ing com­pany under its “emer­gency sit­u­a­tion,” has used bil­lions in tax­payer money to en­rich it­self and re­ward its top ex­ec­u­tives. It handed its se­nior em­ploy­ees a stag­ger­ing $18 bil­lion in 2009, $16 bil­lion in 2010 and $10 bil­lion in 2011 in mega-bonuses. This mas­sive trans­fer of wealth up­wards by the Bush and Obama ad­min­is­tra­tions, now es­ti­mated at $13 tril­lion to $14 tril­lion, went into the pock­ets of those who car­ried out fraud and crim­i­nal ac­tiv­ity rather than the vic­tims who lost their jobs, their sav­ings and often their homes.


Secret 'Watch List' Reveals Failure To Curb Toxic Air

Secret watch list reveal toxin failureThe system Congress set up 21 years ago to clean up toxic air pollution still leaves many communities exposed to risky concentrations of benzene, formaldehyde, mercury and many other hazardous chemicals.

Pollution violations at more than 1,600 plants across the country were serious enough that the government believes they require urgent action, according to an analysis of EPA data by NPR and the Center for Public Integrity. Yet nearly 300 of those facilities have been considered "high priority violators" of the Clean Air Act by the Environmental Protection Agency for at least a decade.


15,000 Voters Left Off 2008 Voter List in Shelby County, Tennessee!

Voters left off voting listsThere is still time to correct these problems by 2012. This story is not just about Shelby County, Tennessee, where I believe the elections commission is competently addressing these problems for 2012. Last-minute dumps of new voter registration forms was a national problem in 2008, and across America voters reported that when they showed up to vote, their name was missing from the list.

The 2008 presidential election brought millions of new voters to the polls, with enthusiasm especially high among youth and minority voters. Yet in Shelby County (the home of the great city of Memphis), over 15,000 voters, disproportionately young or Black voters, were omitted from the list of valid voters at the time of early voting; by Election Day, the names finally made it to the list.


U.S. pullout leaves Iraqi interpreters in 'dangerous limbo'

Ali Kanaan, interpreter for US in IraqI am an Iraqi citizen who worked as an interpreter with the U.S. military for two years. It was an honor to serve, and I did it because I believed that bringing freedom to Iraq required brave people to stand up and try to make a difference. Now, as a result of my service, I find myself in a dangerous limbo.

Before 2003, I thought of the U.S. primarily as the home of Bruce Willis, Hollywood and Las Vegas. But it was also a dream, a dream of freedom.


Keystone XL pipeline decisions to be probed by State Department

XL tarsands pipelineThe State Department's inspector general's office will launch an inquiry into the department's decisions regarding the Keystone XL pipeline, which would ferry oil from Canada's tar sands formation across the Plains states to the Gulf of Mexico.

The inquiry, in response to a congressional request, will center on whether the department followed laws and regulations in preparing its environmental assessment and statement of national interest for the  1,700-mile-long pipeline.


Fracking May Have Caused 50 Earthquakes in Oklahoma

In a surprising turn of events, Cuadrilla Resources, a British energy company, recently admitted that its hydraulic fracturing operations "likely" caused an earthquake in England. Predictably, this news quickly sent a shockwave through the U.K., the oil and natural gas industries, and the environmental activist community. And it certainly feeds plenty of speculation that the same phenomenon could be occurring elsewhere.


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