Wednesday, Sep 11th

Last update07:14:51 AM GMT

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Lawmaker wants military rape cases shifted to new office

Jackie SpeierA Northern California congresswoman is deploying a mix of old and new political techniques in an aggressive effort to change how the military handles sex crimes.

The concerted campaign by Rep. Jackie Speier, D-San Mateo, aims to remove military sex crimes investigations and prosecutions from the standard chain of command. Even if it falls short, the campaign already is a case study in how 21st century political momentum is built.


GE Filed 57,000-Page Tax Return, Paid No Taxes on $14 Billion in Profits

The fact that GE paid no taxes in 2010 was widely reported earlier this year, but the size of its tax return first came to light when House budget committee chairman Paul Ryan (R, Wisc.) made the case for corporate tax reform at a recent townhall meeting. "GE was able to utilize all of these various loopholes, all of these various deductions--it's legal," Ryan said. Nine billion dollars of GE's profits came overseas, outside the jurisdiction of U.S. tax law. GE wasn't taxed on $5 billion in U.S. profits because it utilized numerous deductions and tax credits, including tax breaks for investments in low-income housing, green energy, research and development, as well as depreciation of property.


Philadelphia Police Captain Ray Lewis Joins Occupy Wall Street, Calls NYPD Conduct “Disgusting,” “Totally Uncalled For”

Retired Philadelphia Police captain Ray LewisRetired Philadelphia Police captain Ray Lewis has joined Occupy Wall Street, calling the New York Police Department’s conduct “disgusting” and “totally uncalled for”:


We're always being set up

Brigitte Gabriel "When you find issues/controversies which people love to debate endlessly, which are emotionally inflammatory and which divide the masses into oppositional stances/groups - it is a pretty strong possibility that the controlling elites might be busy behind the scenes, fomenting these quarrels and keeping them alive."

The latest 'event' took place over this past weekend as the Constitution or Sharia Conference. Kicked out from a local hotel the organizers had previously booked, they found a sanctuary to hold it in none other than Cornerstone Church, Nashville's premier Christian zionist stronghold.


How Can The American People Ever Trust Congress Again After Learning Of The Rampant Insider Trading That Has Been Going On?

US CongressWill the shocking insider trading revelations that have come to light in recent days finally be enough to motivate the American people to start throwing all of the con men and charlatans out of Congress?  On Sunday, 60 Minutes opened up a huge can of worms when it did a feature story on insider trading by members of Congress.  Up until now, the vast majority of Americans had no idea that insider trading was actually legal for members of Congress.  In fact, as will be documented later on in this article, members of Congress have been using secrets that they have learned during the course of their duties to make huge amounts of money in the stock market.  If you can believe it, during the financial crisis of 2008 some members of Congress were making huge stock moves that would only pay off if the stock market crashed really hard at a time when they should have been focusing on creating legislation that would help the U.S. financial system survive.  It is hard not to feel sick after learning how low some of our "leaders" have stooped to enrich themselves.  Now that the American people are learning the truth, how can they ever trust Congress again?


Oil and Gas Industry Is Inflating the Job-Creating Potential of Shale Gas Development by as Much as 900 Percent

Fracking employment highly exaggeratedMajor oil and gas interests are spending millions to convince Americans that they can lift us from our economic slump in part by fracking our nation's shale gas reserves.

But a new set of analyses released today by the national consumer advocacy organization Food & Water Watch finds that the oil and gas industry is exaggerating the job-creating potential of shale gas development, in one case by 900 percent.


Scalia and Thomas dine with healthcare law challengers as court takes case

Scalia and Thomas dine with health care opposersThe day the Supreme Court gathered behind closed doors to consider the politically divisive question of whether it would hear a challenge to President Obama’s healthcare law, two of its justices, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, were feted at a dinner sponsored by the law firm that will argue the case before the high court.

The occasion was last Thursday, when all nine justices met for a conference to pore over the petitions for review. One of the cases at issue was a suit brought by 26 states challenging the sweeping healthcare overhaul passed by Congress last year, a law that has been a rallying cry for conservative activists nationwide.


Palestinian "Freedom Riders" catch bus to protest Israeli curbs

Paelstinian 'freedom riders'Calling themselves "Freedom Riders", six Palestinians boarded a bus used by Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, but the end of the line was Israeli police detention.

The protest, streamed live over the Internet, followed attempts earlier in the year by sympathisers to sail to the blockaded Gaza Strip and hold fly-in demonstrations at Israel's main airport to drum up support for the Palestinian cause.


Contaminated Gardasil Vaccine May Be Infectious – Potentially Causing Millions More to Become Sick via Blood Transference – Merck Doctor Admits Contaminant Does Not Belong in the Vaccine

On October 25, 2011, an advisory panel to the CDC, who actually receives a ‘kick-back’ on Gardasil sales recommended that the vaccine be administered to boys ages 9 to 26 – creating a whole new market for sales and profits.  The recommendation, which falls short of a mandate, means Merck’s Gardasil vaccine could be added to vaccination schedules in pediatricians’ offices across the country.


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