CNN's Drew Griffin reported on the bloating of the watch list, which an ACLU count pegged at 1,001,308 names Wednesday afternoon. Griffin's is one of those names, he says.
So bad is the situation that der medical industry will not allow patients to try something else, even when doctors admit to the family that they can do nothing more; that the only thing they can do is keep the patient comfortable. What could be the harm whatever a family does for someone who is terminal? The danger is that if it isn’t “approved,” by “consensus,” etc., it could work. If it works, the “traditional” therapy could be in trouble, which could break the monopoly and endanger the take.
Police Spied on Activists In Md.
Undercover Maryland State Police officers conducted surveillance on war protesters and death penalty opponents, including some in Takoma Park, for more than a year while Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. was governor, documents released yesterday show.
Detailed intelligence reports logged by at least two agents in the police department's Homeland Security and Intelligence Division reveal close monitoring of the movements as the Iraq war and capital punishment were heatedly debated in 2005 and 2006.
Israeli Claims over Journalist Challenged
Medical reports seen by IPS appear to confirm the testimony of IPS Gaza correspondent Mohammed Omer of physical abuse at the hands of Israelis last month.
Omer said he was physically and mentally abused at the Allenby crossing into Gaza while on his way back from a European tour. In London, he was awarded the Martha Gellhorn prize for investigative reporting.
Citigroup's $1.1 Trillion of Mysterious Assets Shadows Earnings
Nowhere mentioned in the accompanying 66-page handout were the additional $1.1 trillion of assets that New York-based Citigroup keeps off its books: trusts to sell mortgage-backed securities, financing vehicles to issue short-term debt and collateralized debt obligations, or CDOs, to repackage bonds.
This agency derives its jurisdiction from treaties and has been getting away with destroying people's health for decades, and in too many cases, the result is death. The FDA is nothing more than another out of control agency answerable to no one.
Californians cleared to vote on same-sex marriage ban
SAN FRANCISCO, California (CNN) -- The California Supreme Court has cleared the way for Californians to vote in November on whether to ban same-sex marriages in the state.
The court on Wednesday denied a petition to remove the initiative from the state's general election ballots. The unanimous decision was handed down without elaboration.
Bush murder trial book, blacked out by mainstream media, thrives on Internet
Former Los Angeles district attorney Vincent Bugliosi became widely known as the prosecutor of Charles Manson and later wrote bestselling books about that case, the O.J. Simpson trial, and other topics. However, Bugliosi's latest effort, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, has faced what CNN calls "a virtual media blackout."
UK Army acts to promote gay rights
The Army has joined forces with leading gay rights group Stonewall to promote tolerance within its ranks.
Head of the British Army General Sir Richard Dannatt said discrimination prevented the full contribution that is "vital for our success in operations".
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