Sunday, Sep 01st

Last update03:29:16 AM GMT

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A View From the Gallows

I don’t believe in capital punishment - as a rule. But I’m willing to make a few exceptions for our fearless leaders, indeed all the fearless leaders, who have so willingly prosecuted the totally bogus ‘war on terror’; who have, under the banner of peace, democracy and civilization, waged a ruthless campaign of war, terror and barbarism.

The ICC has recently made a big splash by indicting a world leader for war crimes. Bush and crew you say? Or perhaps their brown-nosing poodles and fellow conspirators Tony Blair and Gordon Brown? Or maybe some of their fellow NATO war criminal comrades-in-arms, busy little fascist bees that they are burning down their own domestic liberties whilst spreading militarism, empire and a new global arms race unto the very reaches of outer space? Maybe some of these goons?


U.S. forces free AP cameraman in Iraq

U.S. forces freed a cameraman for the Associated Press in Baghdad on Saturday after holding him for three months without charge, the news agency said.

Raziak's release comes two days after the military freed an Iraqi cameraman for Reuters, Ali al-Mashhadani, who was held for three weeks without charge after being arrested while renewing his credentials at a U.S. military press office.


Bush has vowed to sprint through his final five months, and is pushing through a vast plan to alter countless federal programs.

Bush has vowed to sprint through the final five months of his Administration, and you better believe him.

Because he is pulling all the bureaucratic levers in the Executive Branch to advance his right-wing agenda.

Unable to accomplish his goals legislatively, Bush is trying to get them done by fiat.


Will the US Develop a Death Ray?

A band of pre-eminent scientists and war-fighters has concluded that the nation's military might isn't powerful enough for the 21st Century; and so the National Research Council (NRC), an independent, congressionally-chartered body charged with assessing scientific issues, is urging the Pentagon and Congress to get cracking on developing a weapon capable of hitting any target in the world within an hour of being launched.

TVNL Comment: "Pre-eminent scientists and war-fighters?" So who do these scientists work for or who would they work for if their recommendations were followed?  And what the hell is a "war-fighter?"


Documents reveal PR push for Iraq war preceded intel findings

New documents from within the Bush administration and US intelligence community during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq reveal that the White House began assembling a case for war before it had compiled the intel that ostensibly formed the basis of that case.

A new report on the documents from George Washington University's National Security Archive also presents compelling evidence that the Bush administration pressured the CIA and other intelligence agencies to tailor their reports to back-up Bush's desire to invade. The report suggests the bulk of this effort was run out of Vice President Dick Cheney's office, backing up numerous other post-war examinations of the path to invasion that saw Cheney as the mastermind of the plan to oust Saddam Hussein.

TVNL Comment: We were reporting this in 2003.


Establishment Media's Massive Mislabeling

One of the main missions of is to make the public aware of obvious media deception. I often tell people that they don't have to really believe anything I tell them. All I do is point things out for them to see for themselves. I show people that on a daily basis, make that a virtual minute by minute basis, the establishment media holds up life's apples and spends all their energy convincing you that they are oranges. All I do is tap you on the shoulder and point out the apples. I figure that eventually you'll stop falling for the deception. Wishful thinking on my part.

Anyway, I thought I'd make a tiny list of common aspects of the apple/orange misdirection effort headed up by our criminal establishment media. You know...your enemy. Some people call them the "mainstream media". Not me. There is nothing mainstream about them. They are criminal bastards. Calling them mainstream would be like calling a pedophile an average guy.

So here is some food for thought as I see it...just a few examples off the top of my head...



"I postulated that the real culprit of the 9/11 and Anthrax attacks - who engineered it all - was Thomas E. (Enron) White, the former co-Chair of 'Enron, who subsequently became Army Secretary. His dominate motive, was cover his, and others, ass and assets. Was there a massive cover up? White, who was co-Chair, again, of Enron, was never indicated. Recently, we are led to believe that Bruce Ivins was behind the Anthrax attacks, who worked out of the ARMY's Fort Detrick biological center. I wondered if there besides that was any direct connection between Dr. Ivins and Tom White."


Rules Let Health Workers Deny Abortions

The Bush administration has proposed stronger protections for health-care workers who refuse to participate in abortions, issuing a sweeping regulation that could also undercut access to birth-control pills and other forms of contraception.

The new rules, which could take effect after a 30-day comment period, threaten state governments with a cutoff in federal funding if they force medical personnel to perform, assist in or refer patients to abortion services.


TVNL Comment: The ultimate insanity of this rule would allow health care providers who profess to be Christian Scientists to refuse patients ALL medical services on religious grounds. 

Military halts shipment of deadly toxins

Military leaders have suspended some activities at biological research laboratories to review safety rules for some of the world's deadliest germs and toxins, including how they are shipped through FedEx and other civilian carriers.

The Army has six, Navy five and Air Force two labs where biomedical research is done to support counterterrorism efforts, research protection for the armed forces and keep track of infectious diseases across the globe. Employees work with a range of dangerous materials such as anthrax and germs that cause Avian flu and encephalitis.

TVNL Comment: Who represents a threat to you? Who is developing bio-warfare weapons? Who creates viruses and bacteria that can potentially escape and perhaps kill us all? America, that's who. And these programs were stepped up dramatically under the Bush/Cheney/PNAC administration.


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