Monday, Sep 02nd

Last update07:57:59 AM GMT

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Victory in Iraq declared, not achieved

George Bush's justification for the US troop withdrawal from Iraq – that the surge has promoted political reconciliation – is false.

The Iraq troop withdrawals President Bush announced on Tuesday at the National Defence University were much ado about nothing. The slight reduction in troop levels will keep US troop levels several thousand above what they were in January 2007 when he announced the "surge" of US troops. Bush administration critics will say the troop withdrawals are too little and too late, while supporters will echo Bush's "return on success" talking point.

The greatest myth promoted by Bush in his speech was found in this line: "Political reconciliation is moving forward, and the Iraqi government has passed several major pieces of legislation." By overstating the meagre steps taken by Iraq's leaders in barely passing a few relatively insignificant laws in their parliament, Bush's statement ranks right up there with his 2003 "mission accomplished" speech and vice-president Dick Cheney's assertion that the insurgency was in its "last throes" in 2005.


Reduced Dominance Is Predicted for U.S.

An intelligence forecast being prepared for the next president on future global risks envisions a steady decline in U.S. dominance in the coming decades, as the world is reshaped by globalization, battered by climate change, and destabilized by regional upheavals over shortages of food, water and energy.

The report, previewed in a speech by Thomas Fingar, the U.S. intelligence community's top analyst, also concludes that the one key area of continued U.S. superiority -- military power -- will "be the least significant" asset in the increasingly competitive world of the future, because "nobody is going to attack us with massive conventional force."


Life Expectancy Drops For Many Americans as Health Care Failures Mount

The most recent numbers on life expectancy around the world show that life expectancy numbers in the United States are worsening, both in absolute and relative terms - a trend that has been blamed on the large proportion of the population with inadequate health insurance.

"There should no longer be a debate," said Dave Zwiefel, editor emeritus of the Capital Times, in an opinion piece published in the Madison, Wis., newspaper. "Health coverage produces healthier citizens. It's time for the U.S. to stop tinkering around the edges, putting Band-Aids on a broken system, and face reality. We need, no, we deserve, a universal, single-payer health care system - now."


FDA Approves Breast Cancer Drug Avastin Despite Opposition by Advisory Panel

In spite of this record, an FDA advisory panel voted 5-4 against approving the drug for breast cancer. While studies have shown that Avastin shrinks breast tumors, there is no evidence that it lengthens or improves the quality of patients' lives.


Toxins in the Bodies of Newborns Lead to a Contaminated Generation

When a newborn baby takes her first breath she is already contaminated with a range of chemicals... this is the finding in the latest compelling research conducted by several leading authorities in the field of health and wellbeing. Raising awareness of toxic chemicals present in our everyday environment (food additives, personal care products, cleaning products etc.) and having the understanding that these chemicals, in most cases, are absorbed directly into the blood supply is fundamental to the health and wellbeing of our children and future generations. Most shocking from these latest findings is the fact that some of the chemicals found in newborn cord blood were banned decades ago!


McDermott pushes impeachment

Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., delivered these remarks on the House floor Tuesday:

Mr. Speaker:
For the last two years I have struggled with the issue of whether the House should consider impeachment of a sitting President.

Next to declaring war, impeachment is the gravest matter the House of Representatives must consider.
I fully understand the gut-wrenching consequences such a national debate could precipitate. Yet, there is one fact we cannot overlook or escape.

American cannot regain its moral leadership in the world if America cannot hold its leaders accountable for their actions at home.

The allegations that would warrant impeachment keep growing.


CNN fabricates reports about Georgia and South Ossetia

Russia Today TV channel journalists, who worked in the city of Tskhinvali, accuse CNN of forgery in the coverage of the conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia, RIA Novosti reports.

“Our crew was making a report about Tskhinvali ruined by the Georgian army. We particularly were filming the University of South Ossetia. We were very surprised and indignant to see this footage on CNN presented as the Georgian town of Gori, which the Russian army supposedly attacked. We still have the original video material of Tskhinvali in ruins. The footage aired by CNN has been forged and fabricated,” Baranov said.

CNN also used the footage from the Kodori Gorge of Abkhazia to show it as a report from Gori, the journalist added.

TV journalist Alexander Minakov, who analyzed the coverage of the conflict by the Western media, particularly by US channels, said that Georgia’s war in South Ossetia had struck a catastrophic blow on their reputation. US TV channels cast a veil on events in an armed conflict and even fabricated their reports at times, like CNN did. 


Ex-CIA Exec Facing Trial Says He'll Expose Agents, Programs

A former top CIA official accused of corruption and fraud is threatening to expose the identities of numerous agents and programs as part of his defense, prosecutors said.

In a court filing, prosecutors allege that former CIA executive director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo is trying to gum up the works of his trial, scheduled for November, by delving into classified information that is irrelevant to his case. Foggo is charged with 28 counts of wire and mail fraud, unlawful money transactions and making false statements.

Prosecutors say Foggo has threatened "to expose the cover of virtually every CIA employee with whom he interacted and to divulge to the world some of our country's most sensitive programs - even though this information has absolutely nothing to do with the charges he faces."


Ten Ways the McCain/Palin GOP Is Now Stealing the Ohio Vote

The McCain/Palin GOP is already in the process of stealing the Ohio vote, as was done in 2004. Among those at the center of the GOP strategy is Bush Family computer operative Michael Connell, who programmed the key vote counting mechanisms that were used to give George W. Bush his second term.


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