Wednesday, Sep 04th

Last update08:24:31 AM GMT

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Spanish AG: No torture probe of US officials

Spain's attorney general has rejected opening an investigation into whether six Bush administration officials sanctioned torture against terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay, saying Thursday a U.S. courtroom would be the proper forum.


Read the Torture Memos Here

On April 16, 2009, the Department of Justice released four secret memos used by the Bush administration to justify torture. Read the release.

Pdf downloads of all the memos are available here.


Pentagon Closes Office Accused of Issuing Propaganda Under Bush

A Pentagon office responsible for coordinating Defense Department information campaigns overseas has been abolished in an effort by the Obama administration to distance itself from past practices that some military officers called propaganda, senior officials said Wednesday.


Aid Rots Outside Gaza

Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of aid intended for the Gaza Strip is piling up in cities across Egypt's North Sinai region, despite recent calls from the United Nations to ease aid flow restrictions to the embattled territory in the wake of Operation Cast Lead.


The Power Of The Federal Badge

The DEA officer verbally explodes saying, 'Mister, I have the authority of the Federal Government with me!'
Reaching into his rear pants pocket, he removes his badge and proudly displays it to the farmer. 'See this badge? This badge means I am allowed to go wherever I wish...on any land. No questions asked or answers given. Have I made myself clear? Do you understand?'


Monsanto GM-corn harvest fails massively in South Africa

Monsanto blames the failure of the three varieties of corn planted on these farms, in three South African provinces,on alleged 'underfertilisation processes in the laboratory". Some 280 of the 1,000 farmers who planted the three varieties of Monsanto corn this year, have reported extensive seedless corn problems.

TVNL Comment: This is by design. Monsanto want's a monopoly of our food supply. They produce the corn so that it will NOT produce seeds so that you have to purchase the seeds from them each planting. And the US government supports this!


Robert Fisk: How can you trust the cowardly BBC?

The BBC Trust is now a mouthpiece for the Israeli lobby which abused Bowen.

But I am mincing my words.

The trust – how I love that word which so dishonours everything about the BBC – has collapsed, in the most shameful way, against the usual Israeli lobbyists who have claimed – against all the facts – that Bowen was wrong to tell the truth.


Armitage tells Al Jazeera he knew nothing about torture by CIA

"I hope, had I known about it at the time I was serving, I would've had the courage to resign. But I don't know. It's in hindsight now," Richard Armitage, a former deputy secretary of state, told Al Jazeera's Faultlines programme.

He also said he considered the interrogation technique, where detainees are made to feel like they are drowning, to be torture, but said he did not believe CIA officials who used that method and other forms of harsh interrogation, should be prosecuted.


Sex Abuse Program Targets Ultra-Orthodox Jews

Prosecutors, counselors and religious leaders on Wednesday announced a program to combat sexual abuse among members of the insular world of Brooklyn's ultra-Orthodox Jews _ a problem one lawmaker says extends beyond New York.


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