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New Justice Department Documents Show Huge Increase in Warrantless Electronic Surveillance

wiretappingJustice Department documents released today by the ACLU reveal that federal law enforcement agencies are increasingly monitoring Americans’ electronic communications, and doing so without warrants, sufficient oversight, or meaningful accountability.

The documents, handed over by the government only after months of litigation, are the attorney general’s 2010 and 2011 reports on the use of “pen register” and “trap and trace” surveillance powers.


Laws Revive ‘World Before Roe’ as Abortions Require Arduous Trek

Anti abortion lawsn the year since Carrie Klaege moved to Arizona and started a non-profit program to help poor women afford abortions, she’s watched access to the procedure get tougher for her clients.

Following a rash of new laws, abortions are no longer available at clinics outside Tucson and Phoenix and women must wait 24 hours after required ultrasound tests before terminating pregnancies -- forcing some to travel hundreds of miles and stay overnight. Klaege said she’s now making connections in other states where she could send women if the courts allow a ban on later abortions to take effect.


Wells Fargo To Foreclose On Dying Cancer Patient Cindi Davis After Seeking 'Assistance' For Her

Wells FargoBattling cancer is difficult enough without your mortgage lender deciding to foreclose on your home just weeks after saying it was trying to help. Yet that appears to be what’s happening to Cindi Davis, a North Carolina woman diagnosed with terminal breast cancer.

Back in July, Davis's struggle to keep her home after falling behind on her mortgage payments due to her medical bills became a national story, appearing on The Huffington Post and elsewhere. After the media scrutiny, it seemed Wells Fargo, her lender, had relented on foreclosing on Davis, and the bank even wrote a letter to a local radio station indicating it was seeking "assistance" from nonprofit organizations for her, the Charlotte Observer reports.


Koch Brothers Are Openly Funding an Astroturf Protest Against Occupy Wall St.

Koch brothersAn activist group founded by the  notorious Koch brothers  is holding a demonstration in Midtown on Thursday to voice its opposition to President Barack Obama’s economic policies and to stand up to the “Occupy Wall Street mob,” according to a press release.

Activists from Americans for Prosperity plan to protest this Thursday morning outside the Time-Life building as part of group’s Failing Agenda Bus Tour, which is devoted to urging President Barack Obama to shun policies that increase the  nation’s debt . Despite the group’s billionaire backers, the AFP  describes itself  as a grass roots organization. It has more than 2 million supporters nationwide.


Gov’t Guarantees 90% Occupancy Rate In Private Prisons

prisonAt a time when states are struggling to reduce bloated prison populations and tight budgets, a private prison management company is offering to buy prisons in exchange for various considerations, including a controversial guarantee that the governments maintain a 90% occupancy rate for at least 20 years.

The $250 million proposal, circulated by the Nashville-based Corrections Corporation of America to prison officials in 48 states, has been blasted by some state officials who suggest such a program could pressure criminal justice officials to seek harsher sentences to maintain the contractually required occupancy rates.


Congress confirms TSA is lawless, rogue agency that endangers the health and dignity of Americans

A new report by House Republican members of the Homeland Security Committee's subcommittee on Transportation Security essentially confirms what many Americans have known for years: The Transportation Security Administration is inept, overly burdensome to the transportation industry and largely ineffective in terms of identifying future threats.

In classic understatement fashion the report, titled, "Rebuilding TSA into a Smarter, Leaner Organization," concluded that "despite the reality that we have not endured another successful terrorist attack since 2001, TSA is failing to meet taxpayers' expectations."


Boy Scouts helped alleged molesters cover tracks, files show

Boy Scouts protected molestersOver two decades, the Boy Scouts of America failed to report hundreds of alleged child molesters to police and often hid the allegations from parents and the public.

A Los Angeles Times review of 1,600 confidential files dating from 1970 to 1991 has found that Scouting officials frequently urged admitted offenders to quietly resign — and helped many cover their tracks. Volunteers and employees suspected of abuse were allowed to leave citing bogus reasons such as business demands, "chronic brain dysfunction" and duties at a Shakespeare festival.


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