Tuesday, Sep 10th

Last update06:57:36 AM GMT

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Mystery surrounds loss of records, art on 9/11

Art lost on 9/11Letters written by Helen Keller. Forty-thousand photographic negatives of John F. Kennedy taken by the president's personal cameraman. Sculptures by Alexander Calder and Auguste Rodin. The 1921 agreement that created the agency that built the World Trade Center.

Besides ending nearly 3,000 lives, destroying planes and reducing buildings to tons of rubble and ash, the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks destroyed tens of thousands of records, irreplaceable historical documents and art.


FDA: You Must Not Dissent From the Medical Establishment

The United States Government and its terrorist arm, the FDA, apparently have a monopoly on medical information that you’d better not challenge. Unapproved mobile apps are now a potential criminal venture. The FDA is proposing that it should be the supreme authority concerning the wonderful world of mobile medical applications. The corrupt agency says it doesn’t propose to oversee all apps – just those that “could present a risk to patients if the apps don’t work as intended.” This is the consummate, disjointed governmentspeak – a proposal that could be interpreted to mean whatever the Feds want it to mean at any point in time.


When Should You Shoot A Cop

That question, even without an answer, makes most “law-abiding taxpayers” go into knee-jerk conniptions. The indoctrinated masses all race to see who can be first, and loudest, to proclaim that it is NEVER okay to forcibly resist “law enforcement.” In doing so, they also inadvertently demonstrate why so much of human history has been plagued by tyranny and oppression.


FDA urged to rethink approval of medical devices

Medical devices not testedSurprising as it may seem, the way the present system works is that thousands of devices are routinely cleared for market without any of the clinical testing for safety or effectiveness that is required for prescription drugs.

"I thought that any medical device that was actually being put into people's bodies had been extensively tested before it was released to the public," said Ayers. Not exactly.


PNAC Neocon Frank Gaffney Advising Michele Bachmann On Foreign Policy

Frank Gaffney and Michele BachmannThe New Republic yesterday published a lengthy piece by Washington Times reporter Eli Lake highlighting how the “Republican foreign policy consensus has collapsed” and that the GOP contenders for the 2012 presidential nomination are, as the article’s title says, “all over the map.”

Lake notes that there’s an internal strife within the GOP over whether Muslims pose a threat to America — with some neocons and conservatives like Grover Norquist embracing mainstream Islam and others, led by Islamophobic conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney, believing that, as Gaffney often says, the nation is close to instituting Sharia law.


Is an asteroid stalking Earth?

asteroidsScientists have known for many years that asteroids often follow planets, moving in the same orbit around the sun. These so-called "Trojan asteroids" have been spotted tagging alongside Jupiter, Mars, and Neptune.

Earth, however, was believed to be free of these celestial stalkers — until now. Astronomers from Athabasca University in Canada, using data from an infrared NASA telescope that's orbiting the Earth, discovered an asteroid tracking us from just 50 million miles away.


EPA proposes first-ever controls on air pollution at oil and gas wells, equipment

Hydro-frackingFaced with a natural gas drilling boom that has sullied the air in some parts of the country, the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday proposed for the first time to control air pollution at oil and gas wells, particularly those drilled using a method called hydraulic fracturing.

The proposal, issued to meet a court deadline, addresses air pollution problems reported in places such as Wyoming, Texas, Pennsylvania and Colorado, where new drilling techniques have led to a rush to obtain natural gas that was once considered inaccessible.


Judge orders release of Nixon's secret Watergate grand jury testimony

Richard NixonA federal judge, responding to an appeal from historians, has ordered the release of the transcript of Richard Nixon's secret testimony to a grand jury investigating tthe Watergate break-in.

The former president was interviewed near his California home for two days in June 1975, 10 months after he resigned. It was the first time that a U.S. president had testified before a grand jury.


Bush explains slow reaction to September 11 attacks

Bush explains 9/11 reactionFormer President George W. Bush says his apparent lack of reaction to the first news of the September 11 2001 attacks was a conscious decision to project an aura of calm in a crisis.

In a rare interview with the National Geographic Channel, Bush reflects on what was going through his mind at the most dramatic moment of his presidency when he was informed that a second passenger jet had hit New York's World Trade Center.


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