Tuesday, Sep 10th

Last update06:57:36 AM GMT

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The Secret War in 120 Countries

Speical OperationsSomewhere on this planet an American commando is carrying out a mission. Now, say that seventy times and you’re done… for the day. Without the knowledge of the American public, a secret force within the US military is undertaking operations in a majority of the world’s countries. This new Pentagon power elite is waging a global war whose size and scope has never been revealed, until now.

After a US Navy SEAL put a bullet in Osama bin Laden’s chest and another in his head, one of the most secretive black-ops units in the American military suddenly found its mission in the public spotlight.


Israeli government approves guidelines for medical marijuana

Israel sets guidelies for medical marijuanaThe Israeli government approved on Sunday arrangements and supervision regarding the supply of cannabis for medical and research purposes.

A statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's media adviser said "the Health Ministry will – in coordination with the Israel Police and the Israel Anti-Drug Authority – oversee the foregoing and will also be responsible for supplies from imports and local cultivation."


What the New York Times Got Wrong About Gay Nazis

What NYT got wroong about gay NazisThe Times' handling of some of the AFA's most incendiary rhetoric is puzzling. Here's an organization whose most visible representative, radio host Bryan Fischer, spouts blatantly racist, anti-Muslim, and anti-gay rhetoric. But, hey, while some people call that hate speech, there's always two sides of a story, right?

Like "Adolph Hitler was a homosexual and that the Nazi Party was largely created by 'homosexual thugs.'" That, in the Times piece, is a "disputed theory," rather than a conspiracy theory made up by anti-gay zealots.


The Stunning Effect of This Single Vitamin on CANCER...

What if a cure for cancer has been right here all along? What if the very agency charged with protecting your health is the one keeping you from that cure?

Ten years ago a former New York State assemblyman, Daniel Haley, wrote a scathing exposé on how the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) systematically shuts the door on effective and non-toxic products, many for cancer.


Afghans Who Risked Lives for U.S. Are Left in Dark on Visas

Afghans who helped US denied visasThousands of Afghans who have worked with American troops and diplomats here, often at great risk, have become stranded for years in a murky wait to emigrate to the United States, despite government efforts to speed them from potential threats in Afghanistan.

One American initiative to substantially increase the number of visas available to Afghan workers, the Afghan Allies program, has fallen especially short of its goals. Since the program began in 2009, about 2,300 Afghans have applied for those visas, but the American Embassy in Kabul has finished reviewing only two cases. One was rejected.


How JP Morgan Took Over All Kentucky's Financial Services, And Why You Should Be Scared

JP Morgan Chase takes over Kentucky banksOn July 1, JP Morgan Chase became the Commonwealth’s bank. As the state’s official depository, JP now receives all deposits, writes all checks and makes all wire transfers on the $12-15 billion that flow through Kentucky state government in the course of a fiscal year.

It will cut payroll checks, receive federal and other funds earmarked for the state, and disburse educational or transportation or any other funds to their appropriate monetary endpoints. For its trouble, the bank will receive $1.3 million in state fees and the ability to re-lend idle state funds out to customers for private gain. Yes, you should be worried.


Scott Walker Cuts State Health Services, Then Rejects Health Reform’s Public Health Grants

Scott WalkerGov. Scott Walker's health secretary has declined to make or back applications for federal public health grants that could have totaled more than $9 million over the next five years.

Health Services Secretary Dennis Smith hasn't signed onto grants that would have focused on fighting drug and alcohol abuse; assessing health impacts of public policies; and signing up state residents who qualify for state health programs, officials at the agency and other health groups said.


AARP sues Wells Fargo, Fannie Mae over reverse mortgage foreclosure

AARP sues for reverse mortgage fraudAARP’s legal battle against wrongful reverse mortgage foreclosures has shifted from government regulators to lenders.

The AARP Foundation Litigation unit filed a class action lawsuit yesterday against Wells Fargo Bank and the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), charging that they failed to allow surviving spouses and heirs of reverse mortgage borrowers to purchase the property for the appraised value after loans came due — typically after the borrower’s death.


American Millionaires: 1,400 Paid No U.S. Income Taxes In 2009

1400 millionares paid no US income taxesNew tax data from the Internal Revenue service shows that in 2009, incomes fell, unemployment claims rose, and the U.S. economy shed nearly two million taxpayers.  And of the 235,413 taxpayers who earned $1 million or more in 2009, 1,470 of them paid no taxes.

According to the data, the average income for American taxpayers fell to $54,283 -- a drop of $3,516, or about 6.1 percent, between 2008 and 2009. Not only that, but the overall number of taxpayers -- that is, individuals or married couples filing with the IRS -- fell by almost two million.


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