Wednesday, Sep 11th

Last update10:59:19 PM GMT

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Legal nightmare: Unlawfully detained Pakistani cannot be freed by habeas corpus, appeal court rules

Yunus RahmatullahBritish troops handed a Pakistani man to US forces in "questionable circumstances" after the invasion of Iraq and appear, in the words of one of the UK's most senior judges, to have "sold the pass" – in other words, lost the possibility of influence – with regard to his future.

The appeal court in December ruled that Yunus Rahmatullah, 29, is being unlawfully detained in the notorious US jail at Bagram in Afghanistan. It ordered a writ of habeas corpus to be issued so he could be freed. Rahmatullah was handed over by the SAS to American forces in Iraq in 2004, from where he was taken to Bagram. He has been there ever since.


Afghan refugees abandoned by their own government, report finds

Afghan refugee campAbout half a million Afghans have fled their homes because of violence and are living in desperate conditions with little help from a government reluctant to deal with the problems, Amnesty International says in a report.

About 400 people a day are being driven to the cities by security worries, according to the report Fleeing War, Finding Misery, on refugees who stay within Afghanistan's borders but struggle to survive in slum-like camps, with little access to water, food, decent shelter, healthcare or education.


Which 'Scream' Do You Mean?

The ScreamThe timing is impeccable:  Tonight's GOP debate is the 26th such frightful encounter; Edvard Munch's "The Scream," a portrayal of fright, is to be offered, it was said today.

This is one of our most recognizable human-made images on the planet -- the chilling figure in the foreground, hands up to head, mouth forming an elongated O, background swirls in blue and red.


Israel dismisses warnings from US about attacking Iran

Israel’s foreign minister on Wednesday said it's not the business of the United States whether his country decides to attack Iran.

“It is not their business,” Lieberman said in an interview with an Israeli TV station Wednesday, according to The Associated Press.


Former oil and gas driller voices concerns about shale gas exploration

As Albert Einstein said: "Insanity; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

My name is Maxime Daigle and I from Pointe-Sapin, NB.... I’m a student in Electrical Engineering Technology/Alternate Energy Systems....and also a former oil & gas driller.....I’ve worked  on the oil rigs for number of years  in Alberta, British Colombia, Saskatchewan, Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New-Brunswick.


'Occupy' to hold national conference in Philadelphia

Occupy to hold convention in PhillyA group of protesters affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement plans to elect 876 "delegates" from around the country and hold a national "general assembly" in Philadelphia over the Fourth of July as part of ongoing protests over corporate excess and economic inequality.

The group, dubbed the 99% Declaration Working Group, said Wednesday delegates would be selected during a secure online election in early June from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.


America's Wars of Choice: Keeping Track of the Score

Keeping Track of the ScoreThe U.S. is trying to maintain a perfectly reasonable occupation by force of arms in some countries that really interest us a lot, and the people won't stop hating us -- why was it, again? Oh, right:  They hate us for our freedoms, according to the junior Bush.  Pays to keep track.

Has nothing to do with our routine treatment of the native population in all these places we go and so actively adore, spots we must absolutely have as our own -- nothing to do with the regular interactions we have with the people we find already there, at home, in all these places that catch our corporeal and corporate fancy.


Prairie2: The Cost of Ignorance is $26,000

Ignorance cost is $26,000The Dow touched 13,000 today on news that the Greeks will be bailed out with another $140 billion, of course that money really goes to the big banks, not Greece. The new so-called bailout will only be delivered if the Greek government complies by the end of the month with a long list of austerity measures that will ensure the continued decline of their economy.

The Greeks must also prepare two state industries for handover to the pirates by June, and the banker appointed to be in charge of their government plans to literally loot the entire country. Absolutely every public asset of value is being sold off for a pittance to the corporate robber barons. The Communist Party of Greece is on the rise, their slogan could simply be, “We told you so.”


Bob Alexander: I Thought My Grandfather Was Dead.

Segregation in USMy mom’s step-dad was the only grandfather I ever knew. He was a short, stout, outwardly devout Christian and looked like a Norman Rockwell American straight from a cover of The Saturday Evening Post. He and the rest of Nixon’s “Silent Majority” were taken completely by surprise by the '60’s.

The seemingly placid era of the '50’s was turned upside down when Negroes forgot their place and demanded Civil Rights. The next thing he knew young people defied authority and refused to support the war in Vietnam. Women suddenly seemed to lose their minds and wanted control over their own bodies.


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