Friday, Sep 06th

Last update06:29:14 AM GMT

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Nameless And Shameless: Masked DEA Agents Raid Innocent Women, Refuse To Reveal Their Identities

SWAT teamOver a three-day period in June 2007, heavily armed SWAT teams, supported by tanks and helicopters, descended on Detroit's Eight Mile Road. The massive operation involved police and agents from 21 different local, state and federal branches of law enforcement, and was intended to rid the notoriously crime-ridden area of drug houses, prostitutes and wanted fugitives.

After conducting hundreds of raids, the authorities made 122 arrests, according to The Detroit News, and seized about 50 ounces of marijuana, 6.5 ounces of cocaine and 19 guns.


Around The World, Gun Ownership And Firearms Deaths Go Together

gun deathsA study on guns, violence and mental health, long scheduled to be published this week, finds that gun ownership is a bigger factor than mental illness when it comes to firearms deaths. But the data suggest that both play roles.

Earlier research has found that places with high rates of gun ownership have more firearms deaths, but critics of those findings say that it could be that people living in dangerous places are apt to buy firearms to .


Fisa court: no telecoms company has ever challenged phone records orders

FISA court unchallengedNo telecommunications company has ever challenged the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court's orders for bulk phone records under the Patriot Act, the court revealed on Tuesday.

The secretive Fisa court's disclosure came inside a declassification of its legal reasoning justifying the National Security Agency's ongoing bulk collection of Americans' phone records.


ACLU urges more control, accountability for the FBI

ACLUSince the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the FBI has morphed into a domestic surveillance agency with little accountability, a report said.

The American Civil Liberties Union Tuesday released "Unleashed and Unaccountable: The FBI's Unchecked Abuse of Authority." The group said that Congress and the Obama administration continue to support the FBI while the agency targets minority groups and abuses the rights of U.S. citizens and residents.


Colorado flood disaster: hundreds of fracking well pads underwater

fracking well pads“Another tank overturned and a fracking chemical warehouse flooded…” As alarmed citizens report the damage to each other out West, is anybody listening?

For years, concerned residents, activists and scientists from Texas, Pennsylvania and other fracked states have sounded the warning bell against fracking in floodplains. The 30-foot wall of water displacing Colorado residents right now is worsened by the fires which took out trees which would have otherwise lessened this extreme flood.


Renowned Scientists Declare Human Activity the Root of Global Warming

Scientyists and climate changeThe statement comes from 12 members of the recently established Earth League, which describes itself as “a voluntary alliance of leading scientists and institutions dealing with planetary processes and sustainability issues.”

They say that if humans continue with business as usual, using fossil fuels and pumping out excessive amounts of greenhouse gases, the world will be on track for a planet that is four degrees Celsius warmer by the end of this century, or even earlier.


Monsanto Spends Millions to Defeat Washington GMO Labeling Initiative

GMO labelingWith the help of a $4.6 million check from the biotech giant Monsanto and millions more from other out-of-state corporate interests, the campaign to defeat a Washington state ballot initiative in November to label groceries that contain genetically engineered ingredients has outraised the initiative's supporters by nearly three times, according to campaign data released last week.

The campaign for Washington ballot Initiative 552 is already looking a lot like last year's Proposition 37 campaign in California, where biotech and agribusiness interests outspent organic food producers and grassroots labeling supporters by nearly 5 to 1 in a high-profile battle over labeling genetically engineered groceries in the Golden State. (Genetically engineered products are also known as Genetically Modified Organisms, or GMOs.)


The Other American Gulag: Bagram Prison's Legal Black Hole Locks Detainees in Nightmarish Limbo

Bagram prisonAyaz was 15 when he traveled to Afghanistan, from his native Pakistan, to take a job in a restaurant.

He had been there a few weeks when American soldiers entered, asked for him by name, and took him away. That was in 2004. It was the start of a six-year nightmare. Ayaz was held first at a military base, and then at the notorious Bagram prison. To this day, he does not understand why he was detained, but believes a co-worker falsely accused him of being a terrorist in exchange for a reward.


I'm a college graduate who had to go on food stamps

Food stampsWhen I first heard a friend of mine from college was on food stamps, I was shocked. We were both recent graduates of a top liberal arts college, and I could not fathom that someone from my school was in such a "desperate" situation. Not long after, I was on food stamps as well.

The past year since I left graduate school has pretty much been: job application, job application, job application, interview, rejection, another job application, temp work, job application, another temp job, more job applications. For nearly eight months, I was unable to secure opportunities that weren't sporadic or temporary, making it difficult to pay rent and buy food.


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