Monday, Sep 02nd

Last update07:57:59 AM GMT

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Psychologists pass ban on aiding in torture

Members of the nation's premier psychologists' association will be banned from participating in interrogations at Guantanamo Bay and other military sites where international laws against torture are being violated.

The vote by the American Psychological Association means its members can work at such sites only for humanitarian purposes or with non-governmental groups.


Central Banks Offer Extra Funds to Calm Money Markets

The Fed will spray dollars around the world via swap lines with other central banks. They can then auction them in their own markets.

As markets seized up this week, central bankers pushed more than $200 billion into markets with those in Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Australia doing so again today. The U.S. Treasury today announced plans to sell an additional $100 billion in short- term debt to aid the Fed's balance sheet as it extends credit to financial companies. 

TVNL Comment: What exaxtly does it mean when the Fed pushed money into the market? Are they giving money out, lending it, investing it? Who gets the money? This needs to be made clear to all.


Political views 'all in the mind'

Scientists studying voters in the US say our political views may be an integral part of our physical makeup.

Their research, published in the journal Science, indicates that people who are sensitive to fear or threat are likely to support a right wing agenda. Those who perceived less danger in a series of images and sounds were more inclined to support liberal policies.


Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53

It is very unusual that a prominent — and controversial– 9/11 witness would die only days before the release of NIST’s report on WTC7 and shortly after a firestorm erupted over his testimony that he heard explosions inside the building prior to collapse of either tower and that there were dead bodies in the building’s blown-out lobby.


Announcing The Launch Of The Voter Suppression Wiki - Learn, Report, Act

The wiki has three broad goals

Educate people about voter suppression. The term encompasses a wide range of tactics designed to limit voter participation. We want the wiki to offer an explanation of what these tactics are, places to learn more about them and the laws involved.

Collect incidents of voter suppression activity. Based on a standard template, wiki users will be able to add reports of voter suppression to the wiki. Each incident has its own page with a standard form to fill in plus discussion area.

Mobilize action to combat and prevent voter suppression. Knowledge is powerful, but only to the extent that you use it to inform decisions. We don't just want to create a group of pissed off people. We want to create a group of pissed off people who are going to write letters, make phone calls and file lawsuits to protect citizens' votes.

TVNL Comment: Make sure your vote counts so that you can select a president from the rigged menu presented by the two ruling criminal parties.


FTC Launches Operation False Cures to Suppress Natural Cancer Remedies

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today launched "Operation False Cures," a coordinated scheme to censor natural cancer remedies and financially destroy companies offering them for sale. In doing so, the FTC joins the criminals at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who currently operate an extortion racket that works by threatening health supplement companies with legal action unless they settle with the FDA by paying them million of dollars. Both the FTC and FDA work to protect the interests of the pharmaceutical companies by discrediting or outlawing competing natural cures that work better, more safely and more affordably than FDA-approved pharmaceuticals.


Veteran health-care bills languish in Congress

Despite an abundance of tributes to the heroism and patriotism of wounded veterans, Congress might leave town to campaign before acting on key bills to help them.

Some of the delays are due to politics, which angers veterans advocates.

"It's still surprising to me the extent to which you have to fight when everyone in Congress would say they support the troops and they want to help veterans," said Vanessa Williamson, the policy director for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.



Here Stephen Spoonamore, under oath, describes the system that Bush/Cheney used to
steal the election in Ohio. He also talks about Mike Connell, who was Karl Rove's IT
guru, and whom the lawyers in Ohio, Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis, are moving to


US soldier sentenced to 7 months in prison over Iraq killings

A U.S. military judge says a soldier who pleaded guilty to involvement in the slaying of four bound and blindfolded Iraqis will be jailed for seven months and dishonorably discharged from the Army.

Spc. Belmor Ramos, 23, had faced a possible sentence of life in prison for conspiracy to commit murder but worked out a plea agreement.


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