Tuesday, Sep 03rd

Last update07:47:44 AM GMT

You are here All News At a Glance Censoring ALL Ideas Related to Ending the Federal Reserve

Yesterday I posted an “Idea” to in an attempt to promote the issue of ending the Federal Reserve System. There were already about 5 other similar proposals, some with almost 100 votes, but I posted mine anyway. Today, ALL of those Ideas are gone.


Spying on pacifists, environmentalists and nuns

Maryland officials now concede that, based on information gathered by "Lucy" and others, state police wrongly listed at least 53 Americans as terrorists in a criminal intelligence database -- and shared some information about them with half a dozen state and federal agencies, including the National Security Agency.

Among those labeled as terrorists: two Catholic nuns, a former Democratic congressional candidate, a lifelong pacifist and a registered lobbyist. One suspect's file warned that she was "involved in puppet making and allows anarchists to utilize her property for meetings."


Arrest Provides More Evidence India, Israel, and the U.S. Behind Mumbai Attacks

It is becoming increasingly a hard sell to pin the blame for the Mumbai attacks on Pakistan and thus set the stage for an attack on Pakistan after Barack Obama enters the White House in a few weeks. It now appears Indian intelligence played a large part in the terrorist attacks. On Saturday, the Associated Press reported that a “counterinsurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission” was arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by the gunmen.

It now appears obvious that India’s RAW with the help of the CIA and Israel’s Mossad created the current situation and have set-up Pakistan’s ISI to take the blame for the Mumbai attacks. 


Iraqi relatives want death for Blackwater guards

Employees of U.S. security firm Blackwater who shot and killed Iraqi civilians should face the death sentence, relatives of some victims said on Sunday.

U.S. law enforcement sources said on Friday that U.S. officials expected to announce charges soon against the security guards over the shooting that killed 17 civilians in 2007 and strained U.S.-Iraqi ties.

"A death sentence is the least thing ... In addition the director of Blackwater should be taken to trial. He gave them the weapons, this authority to block roads and kill civilians," said Mohammed al-Kinani, whose son was killed that day.


Olmert: I am shamed by Hebron settlers' pogrom

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday lashed out at settlers in Hebron who attacked Palestinians and their property in recent days, joining other Israeli figures in branding the attacks a "progrom."

Settlers in the West Bank city went on a rampage after Israel Defense Forces evicted dozens of them from a building whose ownership is disputed. The move came after Israel's High Court ordered that the settlers leave the building, dubbed the "House of Contention."


Injectable bone' helps fractures

A material that can be squirted into broken bones, where it hardens within minutes, has been developed by UK scientists.

The toothpaste-like substance forms a biodegradeable scaffold over which the body's own bone grows. 


New rules ease ban on guns in national parks

People will soon be able to carry concealed, loaded guns in most national parks and wildlife refuges.

The Bush administration said Friday it is overturning a 25-year-old federal rule that severely restricts loaded guns in national parks.

TVNL Comment: How sweet. Good old Republican values.


Interior Dept. Changes Rule to Remove Congress Veto

In another regulatory action in the waning days of the Bush administration, the Interior Department on Thursday unveiled a new rule that challenges Congress’s authority to prevent mining planned on public lands.

Congress has emergency power to stop mineral development, and has used it six times in the last 32 years. The most recent was in June, when it put a three-year moratorium on uranium mining on one million acres near the Grand Canyon. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne has ignored that Congressional directive, saying it was procedurally flawed.


Children 'executed' in 1950 South Korean killings

The killings, details of which were buried in classified U.S. files for a half-century, were intended to keep southern leftists from aiding the invaders at a time when the rightist, U.S.-allied government was in danger of being overrun by communist forces.

Family survivors last month met with the U.S. Embassy for the first time, saying afterward they demanded an apology for alleged "direct and indirect" American involvement in the killings.

Declassified records show U.S. officers were present at one killing field and that at least one U.S. officer sanctioned another mass political execution if prisoners otherwise would be freed by the North Koreans. Uncounted hundreds were subsequently killed, witnesses reported.

TVNL Comment: History shows that America has never protected "democracy" or "freedom". America has only protected "capitalism." U.S. Military actions, for the most part, have protected the profits of capitalists.


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