NOTE: Loose Change 9/11 Final Cut DVD (Loose Change 3) is now avaialable.
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Loose Change Final Cut is substantially different from Loose Change and Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut in the way it presents the information surrounding 9/11/2001. However, it remains true to the spirit that has made Loose Change what it is today. It it a good supplement to Loose Change Second Edition.
Loose Change 9/11 Second Edition DVD
Click here to see a preview and to get your copy!
Letter to TvNewsLIES about Loose Change 2 from a reader: 23-March-2006: "Saw the video on Google.........really angered, saddened, and then depressed me. What can we do ? Geez..........I cried after watching it again. How could our country do this to our people ? Are they Nazis ? The ends justify the means ? This is facism. I can't get my head around this. I am a conservative, pro-war, Republican...........not anymore. I am just stunned. Never in my lifetime, I am 51, would I have considered our government capable of carrying out this subversion and MURDER to our own people. The shame is unbearable. Thank you for lifting the veil and opening my eyes. I am forever changed by this video. My innocence has been lost and I consider myself an informed individual. While I have always been proud to be an American, I feel nothing but shame now."
My response: This is not political. Our nation did not do this; un-elected officials and people who yield great power did this. This will explain how they can do this to us: Required Reading for Bush Supporters.
What to do? Share this information with others. - Jesse,
What if:
The Twin Towers were not hit by commercial airliners? The World Trade Center was brought down in a controlled demolition? The Pentagon was not hit by a 757? Flight 93 was shot down?
What if?
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Three years after September 11th, the American People are left with more questions than answers. This documentary addresses those questions, as well as providing the evidence necessary to begin answering them. From the phony bin Laden tape to the lack of a 757 at the Pentagon, Loose Change wraps everything up into an hour of solid evidence.
Click here to see a preview and to get your copy!