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TvNewsLies reccomends...In no particular order: (Check back for additions)
Mark Umile - Bush Unplugged Click here to get yours!
Millions of hard working Americans remain in the dark about the true nature of George W. Bush, what he stands for and whom he represents. We the people have many unanswered questions about the "war on terror,” the root cause of Islamic extremism, Al Qaeda, the war in Iraq, Saudi ties to terrorism, and what happened to those mysterious weapons of mass destruction. It’s like a massive puzzle with thousands of pieces and folks don’t know where to start putting it all together. Bush Unplugged arranges those thousands of pieces in a clear, concise picture that all Americans can relate to and understand.
Bush Unplugged rises above right vs. left warfare into the realm of right vs. wrong and plain common sense. Too many middle and working class Americans have been lulled into a state of “patriotic obedience,” and believing that Bush and his neo-conservative “corporatists” are actually working with their economic interests and personal security in mind.
Mark Umile - Bush Unplugged - Click here to get yours!
Get Bob Woodwards’s Plan of Attack donating to TvNewsLies! Click here!
Get Richard Clarke’s Against All Enemies by donating to TvNewsLies! Click here!
Get The Price of Loyalty by donating to TvNewsLies! Click here!
Outfoxed examines how media empires, led by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, have been running a "race to the bottom" in television news. This film provides an in-depth look at Fox News and the dangers of ever-enlarging corporations taking control of the public's right to know.
Get it here!
Jesse’s Picks! These are some personal reccomendations from the Editor. They reflect books/DVDs that he found useful, important, informative or entertaining.
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