“Their losses are significant, very significant,” the Ukrainian president said in his nightly video address. “We see that neither the Russian military nor their North Korean overseers have any interest in ensuring the survival of these North Koreans.” Zelenskyy said “several” wounded North Korean soldiers had died after being captured by Ukrainian forces. In Washington, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said troops sent by Pyongyang were killing themselves rather than risking capture. A “human wave” of North Korean soldiers were being sent to their deaths in “hopeless” attacks by generals who saw them as expendable, he said, estimating that Pyongyang suffered more than 1,000 killed or wounded in just the past week, which confirms similar figures reported by South Korea.
Ukraine war briefing: ‘Human wave’ of North Korean troops being sent to their deaths, says US
North Korean troops deployed in Russia’s Kursk region are suffering heavy losses and being left unprotected by the Russian forces they are fighting alongside, according to Ukraine, while the US says Russian and North Korean generals see the soldiers as “expendable”. Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Friday that said Russian troops were sending the North Koreans into battle with minimal protection and that the North Koreans were taking extreme measures to avoid being taken prisoner.