The supposed al Qaeda bomb plot to blow up a U.S. bound plane has completely fallen apparent with recent revelations that the terrorist was actually working for the CIA and Saudi Intelligence the entire time.
That’s right, this huge corporate media manufactured story was literally a NON EVENT with the terrorist actually being an operative who then turned the bomb over to the Central Intelligence Agency.
In an all too predictable next move, the corporate media is now running direct homeland security advertisements for body scanners throughout the entire world.
Sadly it seems this country is set to continue to lose the very freedoms the terrorists supposedly hate us for, all in the name of security and the worshiping of the Homeland Security gestapo.
It is up to free thinking citizens throughout the country to continue to expose these staged terror plots and the role that the corporate mockingbird media plays in tricking the public into accepting more and more tyrannical actions in response to plots that were actually staged in the first place.