An explosive transcript of one of Tony Blair's final conversations with George Bush before the invasion of Iraq may be suppressed by the coalition government, Whitehall sources have confirmed.
Dominic Grieve, the attorney general, believes there is "a case to answer" in favour of blocking an information tribunal ruling that ordered the former leaders' telephone exchange to be released in the public interest.
The then British prime minister and US president reportedly discussed the opposition of the the then French president, Jacques Chirac, to military action that he had voiced in a television interview two days earlier.
The proposed veto of the transcript's release would be discussed by the cabinet within weeks, sources confirmed. Blair and the current Labour leader, Ed Miliband, were asked their opinion on the proposal last week.
If the government halts publication it would be the third time the coalition has overruled an information tribunal ruling since January. This is despite promises from David Cameron and Nick Clegg that they would lead the most transparent government ever.
TVNL Comment: This is why these war criminals will never be brought to justice. Where is the outrage? Just asking...