Some airport scanners may pose a cancer threat for people over age 65 and women genetically predisposed to breast cancer, a Fort Lauderdale, Fla., doctor said.
Dr. Edward Dauer, head of radiology at Florida Medical Center, said the scanners' low dose of radiation penetrates just below skin level, possibly endangering the eye lens, the thyroid and a woman's breasts, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported Sunday.
"I think it's potentially a real danger to the public," he said, explaining that even a small dose could be a risk for people predisposed to cancer. "This is an additional exposure."
The Transportation Security Administration said the scanners are safe and cites independent studies that said radiation levels are well below acceptable limits.
The scanners in question use "backscatter technology" to create an image of a passenger that allows security personnel to see whether suspect items are hidden underneath clothing.