The solution is simple. Every country should tell the bankers to take a hike and crash and burn and new currencies should immediately be proffered, based on whatever it is people want to collectively consider valuable. The hoarded excesses of the manipulative and psychopathic overlords, should be wiped out in the interest of returning balance. Iceland should be the guidon and standard behind which all following nations should march. If you don't do it you are basically saying, “Go ahead and destroy me, I deserve it.”
Ruining the central banks doesn't have to amount to much except for the loss of their right to print counterfeit money and charge you interest on it, while in the process of enslaving you. Every country can nationalize their banks and kick the ancient and enduring ursurists out of the industry. Om Tat Sat-isfying. All this derivative nonsense is just fantasy paper. Wipe it out. Set it on fire. Turn it to ash. We're talking about a momentary hiccup in the stream of things. Where's Iceland at now? Why can't we all be Iceland? Just do it, as the commercial says and... isn't this what Occupy Wall Street is supposed to be all about?
War? Everyone who is sane should just walk away from their posts in all the aggressor nations. You're only working for the banks. You're not working for your country and look how your country treats you when you're done. Everyone working for a mendacious corporation, who still has any contact with their soul should either just walk away or gum up the works; silent revolutionaries on the march, everywhere around the world.