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Say Goodnight Gracie Part III

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It appears that unless the Universe has a couple of extra tricks up its sleeve, we're witnessing the last days of presidential hopeful, Fucko the Clown. As of today, Friday October 14th, there are 24 days remaining until the election. Is it possible that Fucko could do or say anything that could salvage his flailing campaign? Are there enough Fucko supporters in swing states to stop a Clinton win? I don't think so. But then again … this is a presidential campaign the likes of which we have never seen. The American voters, Republicans and Democrats, have been played. Not like a violin … more like a kazoo. And the tune, eerily reminiscent of Pop Goes the Weasel, goes something like this:

There is an Orange Monster, with deplorable minions, hammering at the gates of the shining city upon a hill. This beast, who had lived his entire life in ostentatiously bestial ways, recently had been shown to also treat women in a beastly fashion (surprise surprise). The outraged citizens of the shining city chose a strong, battle-hardened woman as their leader to battle the beast. But unbeknownst to the citizens of the shining city upon a hill, the leader they chose to vanquish the Orange Monster … was another monster.

And everything turned to shit. The End.

Here's another old tune I can't get out of my head … it didn't have to end this way.

Click over to Google and type in “Donald Trump Mafia” and in point five three seconds you'll get about 759,000 articles. Then type in “Trump University” and in point four nine seconds you'll get about 1,560,000 articles. Now ask yourself these simple questions:

If the Nightly News Team did their goddamn job, even the most die hard Fucko supporters might have jumped ship if they were shown how Fucko University was designed to fleece the poor rubes out of their food and rent money. So Why The Fuck didn't mainstream media repeatedly beat Fucko like a gong with the sleazy facts about Fucko University starting the moment after he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015?

Any idiot with an Internet connection could cut and paste these Googled facts into a damning exposé so Why The Fuck didn't the cavalry charge of Republican candidates use this material to blast Fucko into oblivion in the first few minutes of the first Republican primary debate?

The completely unsatisfying answer is … because the Republican candidates … and the media … didn't.

The media were making too much money from the eyeballs flocking to their television sets to watch the latest Fucko news. And the Republican candidates? Why didn't they unmask him? None of those assholes were qualified to be president but shining a light on Fucko's sordid inadequacies could expose their own. So they didn't fire off any gun that might shoot their own feet off. That's my guess anyway. Who the fuck knows what's going on in the brain of a money mad Republican lusting to live in the White House?

But here we all are 24 days away from the election and Fucko has been spewing garbage since the moment he tossed his made-in-China hat into the ring. That garbage is red bloody meat to the racist, xenophobic, misogynist, morons who have been easily manipulated by The Republican Elite for decades. I say “easily” because The Republican Elite are themselves racist, xenophobic, and misogynist swine so they speak the common tongue of the moron … and are smart enough to enthrall their basest base.

There are people who have been trained to vote for anyone as long as the candidate is a Republican. They will vote for Fucko despite the ridiculously horrific things he has done or said. And then there are people who will vote for Fucko because of the things he has done and said. Is this a winning combination? Maybe … maybe not.

We wouldn't be discussing this if the Zombie Queen had not stolen the nomination from Bernie Sanders. Sanders had the poll numbers to crush Fucko. The Zombie Queen did not. But nothing was going to get in the way of the Zombie Queen's quest for The White House. Nothing. Including the will of the people.

For the longest time the subject of politics has shifted from “What is Right?” to “Who is Right?” There is no substance. There is only image. And right now Fucko's image seems to be losing ground as the Zombie Queen's gains the advantage. Will this be enough to carry her over The Finish Line? Maybe … maybe not.

At this late date what do the television machine and The Internet tell us? What do we know? We know Fucko the Clown is a multiple bankrupted, unscrupulous, amoral, shithead who views women as things. In comparison the Zombie Queen is a shining beacon … as long as we overlook the facts that she's a highly paid corporate shill with an advanced state of war-mongering-itis simmering just under the icy surface.

If all works well the citizens of the shining city upon the hill will be saved from the beast. But the problems that constantly eat away at the foundations of the shining city will not be solved nor go away. All Fucko the Clown and the Zombie Queen will have accomplished is to pave the way for the next, smarter, demagogue.

And everything turned to shit. The End.

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