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Reg's Thoughts

The Bombs of August : In Remembrance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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Hirosihma, 1945When the bombs were dropped I was very happy. The war would be over now, they said, and I was very happy. The boys would be coming home very soon they said, and I was very happy. We showed ‘em, they said, and I was very happy. They told us that the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been destroyed, and I was very happy. But in August of 1945 I was only ten years old, and I was very, very happy.

The crew of the B-29 was so young and heroic, and in the photo they also looked very happy.  For some reason, I clearly remember the name of the pilot, Paul Tibbets. Of course I remember the name of the plane, the Enola Gay.  And oh yes, I remember the name of the bomb.  It was called Little Boy. That made me smile.

I was so proud to be an American that day because we had done something so remarkable. They said we were the first. We were Americans. We were powerful.  But they didn’t say that Little Boy had killed 66,000 people with its huge fireball that fateful day in August. They didn’t say that Hiroshima was not a military target, but a city filled with men and women and children and animals who had no idea they were about to die so horribly.  When you’re ten, they don’t always tell you everything.


Kafka for Dummies: the Absurd Debate over Torture!

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Here we go again.  After decades of non-stop war and death, the American public once again has fallen into the abyss of self delusion.  Tragically, just as we neared the brink of reversal under Barack Obama, we are about to abdicate any claim whatsoever to respect or honor anywhere.  We are now in the era of Donald Trump.

America consistently proclaims itself a nation of laws where justice is blind to privilege or class. And yet, as the world watches in disbelief, this country has once aagain become inextricably mired in debates about torture that defy reason.  And that is because we are being sucked into the mindless illogic and lies of Donald Trump.

It is absolutely insane to discuss the possibility that a crime has some Machiavellian validity simply because, as Trump claims, it ‘works.’ And yet, that is what is happening.

Something is terribly wrong with this picture.

Here the facts.  Check them out.  They’re clear; they’re relatively simple to follow. Do the math.


The Bombs of August : In Remembrance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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On Monday, August 6, 1945, after six months of intense firebombing of 67 other Japanese cities, the United States  dropped a nuclear weapon nicknamed "Little Boy" on the city of Hiroshima , Japan.  This attack was followed on August 9 by the detonation of the "Fat Man" nuclear bomb over the Japanese city of Nagasaki. To date, these are the only attacks with nuclear weapons in the history of warfare.

In Remembrance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

When the bombs were dropped I was very happy. The war would be over now, they said, and I was very happy. The boys would be coming home very soon they said, and I was very happy. We showed ‘em, they said, and I was very happy. They told us that the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been destroyed, and I was very happy. But in August of 1945 I was only ten years old, and I was very, very happy.

The crew of the B-29 was so young and heroic, and in the photo they also looked very happy.  For some reason, I clearly remember the name of the pilot, Paul Tibbets. Of course I remember the name of the plane, the Enola Gay.  And oh yes, I remember the name of the bomb.  It was called Little Boy. That made me smile.

I was so proud to be an American that day because we had done something so remarkable. They said we were the first. We were Americans. We were powerful.  But they didn’t say that Little Boy had killed 66,000 people with its huge fireball that fateful day in August. They didn’t say that Hiroshima was not a military target, but a city filled with men and women and children and animals who had no idea they were about to die so horribly.  When you’re ten, they don’t always tell you everything.


Let’s Hear It for the Sluts and Prostitutes!

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You know who they are…all those wanton women, those shameful creatures, the ones who actually have a sexual identity and dare to live the same kind of normal lives as men.  Yes, you know who they are, the women who hear themselves called "sluts" and "whores" and "prostitutes" if they dare to differ, to speak out, to argue, to protest, or to even dare to think for themselves. Let’s hear it for them.

Let’s hear it for all the women who are vilified because they dare to want to control their own reproductive systems, - and who consider pregnancy prevention a vital part of their basic health. Who would guess that this is the 21st century, and that this is the United States of America?  Who would guess that a powerful group of politically extreme, narrow minded, mean-spirited, insecure and backward-looking little men would use  the ‘s’ word to describe any woman, anywhere in this day and age?  Who would guess?  So let’s really hear it for them.


Condoleezza Rice, War Monger: A Reminder

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By Reggie, Contributing Editor,

Another revisionist memoir is about to reach the book stores of America.  Condoleezza Rice, like several of her neocon cohorts, has written a memoir to salvage her legacy of deceit and duplicity as the nation's National Security Adviser and Secretary of State during the Bush/PNAC years.. Predictably, and with the complicity of reviewers in the corporate media, a near decade of shame and evil will morph into the benign portrait of an American champion of liberty and democracy in a nation that could afford her No Higher Honor.

That, understandably, is what revisionist historians do.

As a result, what will appear nowhere in the interviews, the critiques, or the articles that promote Rice's book will be her role in a major and highly secret group that was organized to sell an illegal, immoral and long-planned war to the unwitting people of America.  Nowhere in the promotional tour to sell her self-serving memoir will Condoleezza Rice be asked about the White House Iraq Group (WHIG), and her part in its criminal activity.


Hey, Chris Matthews: 9/11 Truthers are NOT left wing Birthers!

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On his MSNBC program Hardball this evening, Chris Matthews went on a well-founded  tirade against Donald Trump and his pandering to the uninformed, right wing Birthers who insist, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that Barack Obama is not an American.. Sadly, in doing so, he emerged once again as a gate keeper extraordinaire who trivializes and ridicules the near decade of research and discovery by members of the  9/11 Truth Movement.  

In his attack against Donald Trump’s strategy of luring extreme right wing voters to back his possible run for president, Matthews claimed there was no difference between “Birthers” on the right and “Truthers’ on the left.

Bullcrap, Chris.  Sheer, unadulterated bullcrap.

First, and foremost, the 9/11 Truth Movement is neither uninformed nor political.  It is comprised of people around the globe - from every spectrum of political thought - who refuse to accept the unsubstantiated and seriously flawed official account of the events of 9/11, and who have raised legitimate questions about that account.

Second, those who have spent years seeking TRUTH, are not making accusations about “George Bush blowing up the World Trade Center,” as Matthews suggests. They are raising questions, requesting an impartial inquiry, and challenging a litany of myths that purport to explain the events before, during and after the attack of 9/11.    

Third, the “9/11 Truth Movement” is comprised of millions of intelligent people who believe it is their right to question their government, and who have taken the time to examine the huge amount of evidence that throws a huge cloud over the official narrative offered by an administration that had blatantly lied them into an illegal, immoral and murderous war.

The movement is also supported by thousands of the most educated and accredited people, anywhere.  They include in part: architects, engineers, statesmen and women, pilots and aviation experts, firefighters, law enforcement personnel, physicists, chemists, media professionals, 9/11 families and survivors, military personnel, and medical professionals.

They are not, by any stretch of the imagination, conspiracy theorists or crazies bent on mischief or propaganda.  Bear in mind, Mr. Matthews, that the only conspiracy theory that has been put before the American people and the rest of the world involves a story about 19 young men with box cutters who managed, somehow, under the tutelage of a man living in a cave in Afghanistan, to outwit and outmaneuver the most sophisticated and advanced defense system in history.

And, of course, that same conspiracy theory insists that a THIRD building in the Trade Center Complex – Tower 7 – came down later in the afternoon of that fateful day, in the exact same planned demolition style of Towers 1 and 2,  without having been hit by a a plane.  Yeah, right.  

But, MOST IMPORTANT, is an undeniable fact that makes any comparison between Truthers and Birthers both insulting and preposterous:

There is not a single case on record where a 9/11 Truther examined the increasing pile of evidence brought forth by scientists, engineers an others – then denounced the movement and became a champion of the official story of the attacks.

On the contrary, thousands upon thousands of people who truly believed what they were told by the Bush administration, looked at the evidence, listened to the questions that were raised, and became the skeptics and questioners who wanted to know the TRUTH about the worst attack on the United States in history.  

No one can say that about Birthers.  No one.  Not even Chris Matthews.

Matthews himself acknowledged that no amount of evidence changes the mind of those who really believe that Barak Obama was born somewhere in Africa.  The operative word here is ‘evidence.’

If Matthews had contrasted the two groups rather than compare them, he would have exhibited some element of journalistic integrity.  He would have pointed out that the Birthers IGNORE evidence, whereas TRUTHERS want media and the government to STOP IGNORING evidence.  

It is painfully clear that Chris Matthews has never investigated the work of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and has no clue as to their work or their purpose.  It is his job as a journalist to inform his viewers on issues he takes the trouble to research.

He did nothing of the sort.

As a result, we at challenge Chris Matthews to do his job more professionally, and look at the EVIDENCE that motivates Truthers to plead for a fair hearing rather than dismissal. 

Chris Matthews plays Soft Ball with Terry Jones

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This evening, Chris Matthews interviewed the mad pastor Terry Jones on MSNBC's Hard Ball. This pious man of the cloth plans to burn copies of the Qur'an in a ceremony in Gainesville, Florida, to commemorate the attacks of 9/11. Not surprisingly, Jones was treated as if he were a rational, respectable guest, - and given air time to promote his filth about Islam.  In a month so dominated by Muslim-bashing, a most deferential Chris Matthews managed to add insult to injury and promote the kind of misinformation and bigotry that has taken hold of this country. This was not Hard Ball at its best by a long shot.  It was fawning, subdued Soft Ball at its worst.


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