You can almost smell it in the air. This one is different. This is one has something very special about it. In fact, no other presidential election in our time has been quite like it. There’s a healthy array of candidates, but we’re not really arguing about them. There’s a wide range of issues, but we’re not really debating them. Instead, throughout the nation, for the first time ever, there’s an undercurrent of unparalleled alarm. This time it’s about our future and the fate of our country. This time it’s more than simply a campaign for the presidency. This time, we simply cannot lose. This time, it’s war!
We the people are angry, and we the people are frightened. We watched in disbelief as the nation was craftily wrested from our grip in these three short years. We watched as a small group of men lied and deceived the nation into waging a bloody and endless war. We watched as they enriched themselves and their cronies while placing the rest of us in an environmentally unsafe, economically perilous, and globally discredited position. This time, we have no choice but to unite and take back our country. This time, it has to be war.
We know for certain that the single most destructive element in our lives at the moment is the man in the White House. And we know for certain that he has to go. We cannot afford the luxury of considering the alternative as we arm ourselves for the battle ahead. This time there is no other option but to defeat the most arrogant, most secretive, most dishonest and most dishonorable incumbent president in recent history. This time, we have to liberate our own people from the yoke of neocon and extreme right wing ideology. This time, we must wage a concerted and focused war.
OUR WEAPONS ARE NON-LETHAL: They are all our thoughts, our ideas, and our collective ability to share our views, and the truth. The Bush administration, with the complicity of the media has consistently and expertly withheld the truth from the public. We will “shock and awe” the uninformed. We will spread the word with facts and documentation and evidence. If the people know, they will share our outrage.
OUR GOALS ARE ATTAINABLE: To liberate the American people from:
the usurpation of the American flag by one party
the suppression of dissent in the name of patriotism
the PNAC agenda of global military domination
a foreign policy of “might makes right”
legislation that surreptitiously enriches special interests
a secretive shadow government that governs by intimidation and fear
an administration that refuses to be held accountable for its misdeeds
a depleting economy and an outrageous deficit
limitations on stem cell research
outrageous health care and prescription costs
right wing activist appointments to the federal courts
ultra conservative appointments to the Supreme Court
the narrowing gap between Church and State
a divisive and polarizing president
ENLIST NOW! Download this flyer. Distribute the goals we must accomplish. Encourage people to use the Internet as a learning tool. Get the information you need to inform people. Encourage others to visit web sites that tell the truth. Work together to take back the nation. Get people to register. Get people to vote. The alternative is unthinkable. This is war. We can WIN!