On July 24th, 2003, the editor of TvNewslies.org was interviewed on the Meria Heller Show. The Meria Heller Show has been the #1 Internet radio show for 3 straight years! Meria covers the issues that mainstream media doesn’t have the guts to even mention!
Some of Meria's guests have included:
Dr. Helen Caldicott, Robert McChesney, Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen, Ted Rall, Harvey Wasserman, Victoria Collier, Catherine Austin Fitts, Kristina Borgesson, Mark Crispin Miller, Vincent Bugliosi, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Howard Lyman, John Robbins, Dr. Neil Solomon, Greg Palast, Dr. Arun Gandhi, Nafeez Mossaddeq Ahmed, Mark R. Elsis, Matthew Rothschild, Will Pitt, Danny Schechter, Mark Karlin, Charles M. Kelly, John Nichols, and so many more interesting and provocative people.
Listen to the Meria Heller Show live. Click here!